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Writer's pictureAndrea Harris

Sniffle Maintenance

Updated: Aug 16, 2020

Before we begin, I want to take a quick moment to say THANK YOU. I have received the sweetest, most amazing feedback the last few weeks. It has really encouraged me to keep my creamy pen going as my thoughts surface. Some have said they have shed some tears reading my posts. I can only hope my words are inspiring and not shattering hearts—Ha!

Good news is, you can save your tears today. This one is not that. It’s about something a little more practical AND so needed right now. With all that's going on around us, I wanted to drop some powerful recipes and go-to things I do at home that helps keep my family strong.



I cannot talk enough about the power of ginger root. It is worth more than gold around these parts. My mother has been a believer in ginger for a long while now, and over time, I became a devout ginger user. At this point, we have incorporated ginger shots as a part of our weekly wellness routine. Ginger has powerful antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and medicinal properties. It has been used since the beginning of time to help treat things like digestive issues and flu and cold-like symptoms. Ginger helps a ton of other things too. You’ve got to Google this one for sure— Or click here.

Here’s my go-to, top secret ginger shot recipe:

• Raw ginger root, peeled (approx. one inch piece)

• One lemon (squeeze the juice out & spoon out as much pulp as possible)

• 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey (depending on how sweet you like it)

• 1 cup of water

• Add mint leaves for flavor (completely optional)

• Place ingredients in a blender & shoot!



I started dabbling with essential oils about three years ago, but have recently started to take them more seriously. I have been educating myself about its strong healing properties. No, I am not going to annoy you on this post about why you should have all the oils in your house, BUT I did want to share a couple of really good tips and blends for all the oil users out there.

IMO, best oils to diffuse:

• Thieves

• Lemon

• Eucalyptus

• Frankincense

• Rosemary

• Oregano

*Oils listed above have antiviral and/or antimicrobial properties!



Lastly, I have a DIY roller bottle blend that is freakin’ amazing. The kids love it too— It smells so good! This is also part of our weekly wellness routine at home.

Immunity support roller recipe:

Meant for 10ml roller bottles. Add drops first, then fill the rest with a carrier oil (i.e. fractionated coconut or almond oil).

• Thieves— 10 drops

• Frankincense— 8 drops

• Lemon— 3 drops

• Rosemary— 2 drops

• Oregano— 2 drops

*Recommended total: 25 drops, you may add more Thieves or Frankincense if you are missing one of the others.

These are the roller bottles in the cover photo. So far, I have not had any issues or leaks! (crossing my fingers)


For more info, you can message me on Instagram. I would love to help! Keep in mind that essential oils are not FDA regulated, therefore, make sure you are using oils from a reputable company without synthetic additives.

That’s all! Practical and perfectly relevant, right?

Hoping you stay well and the sniffles are minimized greatly with these simple tips!

Till next week, friends.



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